Socity/Trust/NGO Registration

Socity/Trust Registration

An NGO is a non- government organisation with a charitable purpose, for the progress of society worldwide. NGO Registration is mandatory for the organisation which is planning to work for the welfare of the society.

It can be started as a Trust, a Society or Section 8 Company (a Non-Profit Company ) depending on the project you want to undertake. NGOs could have a broad variety of interests of society in mind.

NGOs work for so many good causes like human and/or animal rights, improving the health and welfare of children, expansion work and it can also involve raising awareness regarding some causes or activities of social importance. In India, NGO is a term for all non-profit organizations involving Trust, Society and Section 8 Company. Other titles for such not-for-profit organizations are “Sangathan”, “Sangh”, “Sangam”. Income tax exemption is open for all non-profit NGOs. These are sometimes mixed with non-profitable companies, which refers to a regular business not making a profit.

In India, work in the social sector is anchored by non-governmental organisations (NGOs). These organisations are crucial to supporting the poorer classes of society and weaker aspects of our economy that are often neglected by the government. Therefore, it is often said that NGOs do work that a wealthy welfare state would take up. In India, on the other hand, NGOs, more often known as charitable organisations, survive on the donations made by the wealthier sections of society.

NGOs and nonprofits in India play a vital role in the development and upliftment of the weaker sections of society. Majority of the Indian population is below the poverty line, with most people not having access to basic needs of food, water, and shelter. In fact, for people of lesser means, even access to education is considered a luxury rather than a necessity. Despite Government funding, we are still not able to tackle problems of poverty, unemployment, hunger, or provide shelter, sanitation, clean water, and electricity, in all parts of India. It is the selfless operations of nonprofits and NGOs that are undertaking necessary development projects to further our country’s growth story. This is why their role in the progress of the country is indisputable.

That said, the question of how to start an NGO in India is what plagues most people. Hopefully, this article will uncover everything you need to know about how to start an NGO, documents required for NGO registration, and NGO registration fees, and FCRA registration. NGO Registration is mandatory for the organization which is planning to work for the welfare of society. An NGO is a non-government organization with a charitable purpose, for the progress of society worldwide. It can be started as a Trust, a Society or Section 8 Company (a Non-Profit Company ) depending on the project you want to undertake. NGO’s could have a broad variety of interests of society in mind.

This could add Environmental causes, human and/or animal rights, improving the health and welfare of children, expansion work and could even involve raising awareness regarding some causes or activities of social importance.

In India, NGO is a term for all non-profit organizations involving Trust, Society and Section 8 Company. Other titles for such not-for-profit organizations are “Sangathan”, “Sangh”, “Sangam". Income tax exemption is open for all non-profit NGOs. These are sometimes mixed with non-profitable companies, which refers to a regular business not making a profit.