Criminal Law

Criminal Law

Crime is not just a wrong against an individual but is also a wrong committed against the society or a public wrong and includes acts like murder, rape, theft etc.

Crime is behavior, either by act or omission, defined by statutory or common law as deserving of punishment in Indian Penal Code. Although most crimes require the element of intent, certain minor crimes may be committed on the basis of strict liability even if the defendant had no specific mindset with regard to the criminal action. For instance, parking violations are crimes that usually do not require prosecutors to establish intent.

In private cases which is also called Complaint Cases like cheque bouncing and other criminal cases, police and forces are not involved but Private/Individual has to lead his own case and has to prove his case against the accused and court decides the matter after considering the evidence and material available on record and thereby punishes or acquits the accused accordingly.

Each stage in criminal case is extremely important, one mistake can lead to the conviction of accused. Our firm deals in criminal defense efficiently including Bail and Trial.

Areas involving Law of Crime :-
  • Criminal Litigation
  • Title of the Work
  • Bail Matters
  • Criminal Trial.