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Copyright Registration


Copyright is a legal right granted to the creators of literature, drama, music, and the work of art as well as film and film producers. When a property owner registers a patent, it gives him the exclusive right to reproduce, duplicate and distribute the work. In addition, he may delegate authority to another business for the same purpose. Register for a patent because it enables you to communicate with the public, reproduce the rights, and modify and translate the works

Copyright registration process
The copyright registration process includes the following steps:

Step 1: An application for copyright registration must be submitted on the relevant forms to the Copyright Registrar, stating the job details.
Depending on the type of work, separate copyright applications may be required.

Step 2: The forms must be duly signed by the applicant and the application must be submitted by an Advocate named Power of Attorney who has been used under him or her.
Our specialists will then process the application for copyright registration and submit the required forms to the Registrar of Copyright electronically.

Step 3: Once the application has been submitted online, you will be given a diary number

Step 4: There is a 30-day waiting period during which the Copyright Inspector reviews the application for non-compliance and / or objections..

Step 5: If any inconsistency and / or objection is found, a non-compliance notice will be issued and the same will be required within 30 days from the date of issue of the notice.

Step 6: If the error has been cleared or if there is no conflict or objection to the application, the copyright will be registered and the Copyright Office will issue the valid Extracts of Register of Copyrights (ROC) without the Registration Certificate.

Copyright registration process

Personal Details
  • Name, Address & Nationality of the Applicant
  • Name, address and nationality of the author of the work
  • Nature of the applicant’s interest in the copyright – whether the applicant is the author of the work or the representative of the author
  • Copies of the original work
  • ID proof of the owner and Incorporation certificate if it is for business.

Nature Of The Work
  • Class & Description of the Work
  • Title of the Work
  • Language of the Work
  • Date of Publication – Publication in internal magazines, like a company magazine or a research paper submitted to a professor does not count as publication.

Advantages of Copyright Registration

Legal Protection

The creators of the original works always enjoy legal protection when their work is reproduced without permission. Copyright registration, however, makes it much easier to protect this original work from infringement.

Market Presence

By registering copyright, a public record of your work is created and proof of ownership of your artwork is established. It can also be used to market and create favor in the mind of the customer.

Rights Of the Owner

The copyright owner has the rights to reproduce, distribute, adapt and translate the work. Depending on the job, you will have diversity in the formulation of rights.